Thursday 29 September 2011

Inspired by tape

Inspired by tape

This is my third and final submission for the AGDA poster annual and the theme inspired by music.

Having already submitted 'caged by routine' and 'the Beat and the Melody' I started thinking about what has changed in music, any why nowadays I spend more time listening to the radio than my iTunes library. I decided it was because I miss the story of the album and that the ability to shuffle my library has  made me less observant of what has been compiled by the artist.

My memory skipped back to laying on my bed killing hours listening to music with the low hum of the tape moving from spool to spool. And long hours in the car on family road-trips with the auto changer taking us from the A-side to the B-side and back over and over again. All the while the composition of the album taking us on a journey that is now missed by skipping or worse still not purchasing. 

There are albums from my uni days I can't bear to listen to out of sequence, or feel like I'm missing something when the strange little interludes are jumped over in the hurry to get to the next pulse racing anthem.

I suppose that's why I like a good live set or even music dvd – the story is unavoidable.


Ben said...

Yes yes yes. These are awesome. Completely agree re listening to an album in its entirety. I think iTunes has kind of killed that unfortunately. Good luck with the comp!

PseudoRhys said...

Ben, i missed out. but will be seeing what i was up against when i go to the event. better luck next year eh!