Tuesday 23 June 2009

Jumping in puddles - a challenge

With a little reminding from the girls at the Monday Project I have been re-united with my desire to jump in puddles. The want to break contact with the earth only to plunge feet first into a shallow pool of water causing it to explode and onto the surrounding people is almost impossible to deny. Unfortunately the restrictions of being a grownup and the need to not be dripping on the carpet at work seem to keep me in line. Not to mention that in Sydney puddles only seem to form in the most un-fun places. I can't wait to get back to the country where puddles form on the lawn where it is acceptable to have fun, whereas if i was to jump in a puddle on the lawn of the University of Sydney's quad building I'm quite sure I would be marched to a quiet place and disposed of. I'm sure cadavers used to be sourced from the greenskeepers after a downpour – the suspicious slashes of a whipper snipper wire on the achilles tendon gives it away. Because of my fear of the lawnmower men I won't indulge this passion any time soon, but hopefully I can embrace the thought of letting go of inhibitions and create something fun for the project.


sophie said...

Oh, but there have been some AWESOME puddles of late in this part of the world. Unfortunately, I am yet to jump in any of them either, as I'm usually in my work gear, but I have taken some great photos. Stay tuned...

PseudoRhys said...

all of the fun looking puddles on my travels are in rocky carparks or rugby damaged ovals, there is even one great one that is full of hospital waste. and all of the water near my house runs down the hill and away.

maybe i should take up drain kayaking instead

sophie said...

Drain kayaking, now there's an idea!

And yes, I think you should have a stock of near-finished paper boats in your pockets at all times.

A guy on a bus once gave me a paper bus ticket folded into two hearts and I theorised that he had a whole lot of them prepared in his pocket to give to people who took his fancy.

PseudoRhys said...

i have since found a good origami pattern for making paper boats. now i just need to be able to remember it when it's needed