Friday 9 April 2010

so far a quiet year for the blog

So far this year has been a bit of a fizzer for the ol' blog. Mostly because I have spent so much time driving the mouse and not enough behind a pencil. Fortunately a couple of projects were realised.

Firstly a cycling jersey I designed for a friend in Canada was produced for the GatiGators triathlon team. With textured skin and yellow eyes it is certainly something different.

How hot is the helmet hair in this pic!

Also a colleagues performance 'click tease' needed a poster for the Adelaide fringe festival, which kept me busy in the lead up.

I even managed to fit in going to Semi-Permanent in Sydney.

Then finally, for easter, headed out of the city for a country break. Below is a quick sketch I put to paper to leave at the farm-stay in Ruffy, and a photo from my vantage point on the hill.

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